human resources
to create new industries
Extensive knowledge in three fields of study
For realizing the fourth industrial revolution and an ultra-smart society (Society 5.0), we need to fuse real and cyber space in every aspect of society to create new value and bring it to society, our life and industries.
Research and development are required not only in algorithms and computer programs to process big data, but also in spintronics and electronics to develop devices and in computer architecture for designing processors that realize low-power consumption and high-performance computation.
AIE aims to develop outstanding human resources for continuous innovation by providing educational courses to learn algorithms and computer programs for the AI and architecture, centering on spintronics and research on spin devices, ultra-sensitive sensors, and other high-speed/low-power devices.
Practical skills and abilities to take a bird’s eye view over real-world problems
AIE places the highest priority on areas that contribute toward new value creation. In such a research environment for artificial intelligence electronics, the program develops practical skills to resolve social issues and cooperate with industries and society, with an awareness of industry-academic and social collaboration, a bird’s eye view to penetrate real and cyber space, and a multidimensional interconnection in Society 5.0.
The program also builds a five-year integrated graduate school education system. It offers interdisciplinary education taught by highly specialized researchers in diverse academic fields. In addition, the program provides industry-academic collaborative education through collaboration between researchers from private companies and universities.
Collaboration with OPERA
Under the Program on Open Innovation Platform with Enterprises, Research Institute and Academia (OPERA), we are working with 18 private companies to promote the world’s most advanced research and development. One of the features of AIE is that we can provide industry-academic collaborative education based on the consequential satisfactory results of such collaboration. Furthermore, AIE includes the Graduate School of Engineering and five other graduate schools. These schools work closely together to promote cross-disciplinary degree programs, contributing significantly toward graduate schools’ reformation based on advanced graduate degree programs, beyond international borders and the boundaries of research fields.
The “Being Employed while in School” system and economic support
To support the career path of outstanding graduate students seeking employment at companies, AIE will establish the “Being Employed while in School” system, which allows students to be employed while in school. This system matches doctoral students with companies through PBL and company internships. It provides an environment where students can focus on academic research and skill acquisition by deciding on job offers or employment with the companies of their choice while in school.
AIE also provides financial support to students who participate in the program. These students may receive salaries from the companies that employ them.