Subsidized Project by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

AIE - WISE Program for AI Electronics


Machine Learning and Cloud-tool Workshop of the Year 2024

The 3rd Lecture of the Year 2024
was closed.

What is WISE Program for AI Electronics
by Tohoku University?

Development of human resources to create new industries

For realizing the fourth industrial revolution and an ultra-smart society (Society 5.0), we must merge real and cyber space in every social dimension to stimulate value addition through innovation.
Research and development are required not only in algorithms and computer programs to process big data, but also in spintronics and electronics to develop devices and in computer architecture for designing processors that realize low-power consumption and high-performance computation.

The WISE Program for AI Electronics focuses on spintronics based on the research on spin devices, ultra-sensitive sensors, and other high-speed/low-power devices. The program develops outstanding human resources for creating a new industrial field called Artificial Intelligence Electronics (AIE). In this field, the objective would be to conduct research and development on algorithms and computer programs for AI and artificial intelligence architecture.


  • ALL
  • News
  • Events
  • Application
  • 2024.07.05

    We are pleased to announce that “Machine Learning and Cloud-tool Workshop of the Year 2024” is going to be held.

    【Date】At 13:00-17:00, on Friday, July 26th

    【Speaker】Amazon Web Services Japan, LLC
    Data & AI Solutions Division Manager
    Dr. Masaki Samejima

    【Subject】「Image Recognition Using Machine Learning」

    【Venue】EIPE Education and Research Building 3F 306A, B


    【Deadline】By noon on Thursday, July 25th

  • 2024.05.13

    We are pleased to announce that “The 3rd Lecture of the Year 2024” is going to be held.

    【Date】At 16:00-17:30, on Wednesday, June 12th

    【Speaker】Shoko Araki
    NTT Communication Science Laboratories

    【Subject】「Separating one speaker's voice from other voices and noises: recent advancement of speech enhancement technologies for extracting high-quality speech from the mix of multiple voices and environment noises」



    【Deadline】By noon on Tuesday, June 11

  • 2024.04.22

    We are pleased to announce that “The 2nd Lecture of the Year 2024” is going to be held.

    【Date】At 16:00-17:30, on Wednesday, May 8th

    【Speaker】Prof. Tetsuya Ogata
    School of Fundamental Science and Engineering, Waseda University

    【Subject】「Embodiment of intelligence as next-generation AI - New developments in AI robots」

    【Venue】Large meeting room, 2nd floor, Center Hall (C01 building), Engineering Department
    *Combined online


    【Deadline】By noon on Tuesday, May 7

  • 2024.04.22

    We are pleased to announce that “The 1st Lecture of the Year 2024” is going to be held.

    【Date】At 16:00-17:30, on Thursday, April 25th

    【Speaker】Prof. Naofumi Homma
    Research Institute for Electrical Communication, Tohoku Univ.

    【Subject】「Encryption technology that supports a smart society and its future」

    【Venue】Large lecture room, 2nd floor, Center Hall (C01 building), Engineering Department
    *Combined online


    【Deadline】By noon on Wednesday, April 24

  • 2024.04.21 The recipients of the 2024 supporting fund for educational research have been finalized.(2024.4.21)

  • 2023.12.05 We are pleased to announce that “The 5th International Symposium on AI Electronics” is going to be held.

    【Date】Day 1:At 9:30-20:00, on Monday, February 19th
    Day 2:At 9:30-17:00, on Tuesday, February 20th

    【Venue】Future Hall, Aobayama campus, Tohoku University


  • 2023.11.22

    We are pleased to announce that “The 6th Lecture of the Year 2023” is going to be held.

    【Date】At 13:30-15:00, on Monday, December 11th

    【Speaker】Dr. Takuya Yoshioka

    【Subject】「Research management at US companies: my experiences at major companies and a start-up」



    【Deadline】By noon on Friday, December 8

  • 2023.10.20

    We are pleased to announce that “The 5th Lecture of the Year 2023” is going to be held.

    【Date】At 16:00-17:30, on Friday, October 27th

    【Speaker】Dr. Guillaume Lachaud




    【Deadline】By noon on Thursday, October 26

  • 2023.08.08

    We are pleased to announce that “Machine Learning and Cloud-tool Workshop of the Year 2023” is going to be held.

    【Date】At 13:00-17:00, on Friday, August 25th

    【Speaker】Google Japan G.K.
    Product Manager, ChromeOS Platform
    Mr. Joseph Kurachi Luk

    【Subject】「Machine learning quickstart in Google Colaboratory」

    【Venue】EIPE Education and Research Building 3F 306A,B


    【Deadline】By noon on Thursday, August 24

  • 2023.08.03

    We are pleased to announce that “The 4th Lecture of the Year 2023” is going to be held.

    【Date】At 16:00-17:30, on Monday, September 4th

    【Speaker】Toshiba Corporation
    Research and Development Center, Nano-Materials and Frontier Research Laboratories
    Dr. Mitsuko Sugano, Senior Fellow

    【Subject】「Development of Nanoparticles for Medical Applications from the Viewpoint of Material Technology」

    【Venue】Electrical, Information and Physics Engineering Future Hall *Combined online


    【Deadline】By noon on Friday, September 1

  • 2023.06.02

    “Lecture on how to write an English Paper” is going to be held.

    【Date】Monday, June 26th, 16:00-17:30

    【Speaker】Yahoo Japan Research
    Proj. Researcher
    Dr. Akihiko Sugiyama
    【Subject】 「Easy and lazy technical Writing for engineers and Scientists: A step-by-step guide to establish a good logical structure」

    【Venue】EIPE Education and Research Building 3F 306A,B


    【Deadline】By noon on Friday, June 23th

  • 2023.05.24

    We are pleased to announce that “The 3rd Lecture of the Year 2023” is going to be held.

    【Date】At 16:30-18:00, on Monday, June 19th

    【Speaker】System Technology & Solution Development Department,
    Core Technology Development Division, Renesas Electronics Corporation
    Director, Masami Nakajima

    【Subject】「Renesas Electronics' Efforts in the Growing Semiconductor Market」

    【Venue】Electrical, Information and Physics Engineering Future Hall *Combined online


    【Deadline】By noon on Friday, June 16th

  • 2023.05.09 「Workshop on English presentation」 is going to be held on Tuesday, May 23.

    【Date】At 13:30-15:00, on Tuesday, May 23rd

    【Speaker】Associate professor at RIEC, Tohoku University
    Dr. Simon Greaves

    【Subject】「 Scientific presentations in English 」


  • 2023.04.21 The recipients of the 2023 supporting fund for educational research have been finalized.(2023.4.21)

  • 2023.04.13

    We are pleased to announce that “The 2nd Lecture of the Year 2023” is going to be held.

    【Date】At 10:30-12:00, on Tuesday, May 2nd

    【Speaker】Representative Director, SUSMED, Inc.
    Dr. Taro Ueno

    【Subject】「Sustainable Healthcare through Digital Technology」



  • 2023.04.13

    We are pleased to announce that “The 1st Lecture of the Year 2023” is going to be held.

    【Date】At 13:00-14:30, on Tuesday, April 25th

    【Speaker】Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University
    Prof. Go Hasegawa

    【Subject】「The Past, Present, and Future of Internet Congestion Control」
    【Venue】 Electrical, Information and Physics Engineering Future Hall *Combined online


  • 2023.02.16

    We are pleased to announce that “The 6th Lecture of the Year 2022” is going to be held.

    【Date】At 16:00-17:30, on Wednesday, February 22nd

    【Speaker】Preferred Networks, Inc. Researcher/Engineering Manager
    Dr. Ryuichiro Ishitani

    【Subject】「Application of deep learning to drug discovery and materials science」
    【Venue】 Electrical, Information and Physics Engineering Future Hall *Combined online


    【Deadline】By noon on Tuesday, February 21st

  • 2022.12.22 We are pleased to announce that “The 4th International Symposium on AI Electronics” is going to be held.

    【Date】At 9:30-17:20, on Monday, February 13th

    【Venue】Future Hall, Aobayama campus, Tohoku University


  • 2022.11.02

    We are pleased to announce that “The 5th Lecture of the Year 2022” is going to be held.

    【Date】At 16:30-18:00, on Tuesday, December 6th

    【Speaker】Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu University
    Prof. Tomoyuki Shirai
    【Subject】 「Mathematics of Deterministic Point Processes and their Applications --- From Random Matrices to Machine Learning --- 」
    【Venue】 Electrical, Information and Physics Engineering Future Hall *Combined online


    【Deadline】Monday, December 5th, noon

  • 2022.09.30

    We are pleased to announce that “The 4th Lecture of the Year 2022” is going to be held.

    【Date】At 16:00-17:30, on Friday, October 21th

    【Speaker】National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan
    Prof. Chia-Ping Chen
    【Subject】 「From Speech Recognition to Speaker Diarization and Sound Event Detection」
    【Venue】 Electrical, Information and Physics Engineering Future Hall *Combined online


    【Deadline】Thursday, October 20th, noon

  • 2022.4.21 The recipients of the 2022 supporting fund for educational research have been finalized.(2022.4.21)

  • 2021.9.21 The recipients of the 2021 supporting fund for educational research have been finalized.(2021.9.30)

  • 2020.5.11 The recipients of the 2021 supporting fund for educational research have been finalized.

  • 2020.11.27 We will hold the Student Recruitment Briefing for the AIE Program for Academic Year 2021, December 15 through online.

  • 2020.11.17 We are open to applications for Academic Year 2021.

  • 2020.9.29 The recipients of the 2020 supporting fund for educational research have been finalized.(2020.10.1)

  • 2020.5.7 The recipients of the 2020 supporting fund for educational research have been finalized.

  • 2020.2.17 We are open to additional applications for Academic Year 2020.

  • 2020.2.5 Regarding the application for Academic Year 2020, the period of acceptance of application is now extended until Wednesday, February 12 2020 (Time of Acceptance: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm)

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